The second largest education union in South Africa. Since 1996.

our history

Where We Started

NAPTOSA was registered by the Registrar of Labour Relations as a Trade Union on 1 November 2006 and is the second largest union in the education sector.

Any education sector employee in the Republic of South Africa is eligible for membership of the Union, whether employed in terms of the Employment of Educators Act,1998; the Public Service Act, 1994; by a School Governing Body or by a private school.

NAPTOSA enjoys all the rights of a trade union and is a party to the Public Service Co-ordinating Bargaining Council (PSCBC) where salaries and conditions of service of general application for the whole public service are negotiated (e.g. general salary increases, pensions, medical assistance, housing, etc.), as well as the Education Labour Relations Council (ELRC) where matters specific to the education sector are negotiated. In the latter, NAPTOSA, together with SAOU, NATU, PEU, PSA and HOSPERSA, operate under the name of the Combined Trade Union of Autonomous Teachers’ Unions (CTU-ATU).

NAPTOSA’s aim and purpose is to provide a member-centered, efficient and professional service to its members through a corps of more than 80 employees across the country.

NAPTOSA provides an effective communications service to members, offers cutting-edge Professional Development Programmes; employs professional staff to deal with members’ queries and labour matters and has a wide range of structures and forums(Branches, Portfolio Committees, Phase and Principals’ Forums, Conferences etc.) for members to participate in. The union has a dedicated desk at national level to deal with the LSEN and TVET College sectors.

NAPTOSA prides itself on the fact that it is the only education sector union that is truly representative of the demographics of our country. Our strength lies in the diversity of our members. We are bound by a common commitment to professionalism and to educating the youth of South Africa.

If we stand accused of being inclusive then we are happy to plead guilty!

Our Purpose

We protect and maintain the rights, status and interests of our members

Our Service

We render an effective service to and on behalf of its Members


Promote a system of education which focuses on the individual learner


We promote the development of members through workshops and seminars, etc


We Serve With Dignity

Our Principles

NAPTOSA is committed to the following principles:

  • The inalienable right of every child and student to quality education within an equitable and non-discriminatory system of education;
  • A high level of professionalism from all education sector employees; and
  • The enhancement of all aspects of the working life of education sector employees

In order to achieve the above this national union shall be

  • non-discriminatory on the basis of colour, language, gender, religion, ethnic origin, social class, birth, political or other convictions, or disabilities or other natural or cultural characteristics;
  • independent, autonomous and party politically non-aligned;
  • guided by the respect for fundamental human rights as enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa including the Bill of Rights; and
  • inclusive of all like-minded education sector employees


The Union is a voluntary association of members, not for gain, that aims to promote, protect and maintain the rights, status and interests of its members and advance quality education in South Africa, for purposes of which the Union shall…

  1. promote a system of education that is non-discriminatory with regard to colour, language, gender, religion, ethnicity, origin, social class, birth, political or other convictions, disabilities, natural or cultural characteristics;

  2. promote a system of education which focuses on the needs of the individual learner;

  3. strive for an equitable system of education in South Africa which will satisfy the needs and aspirations of all its people;

  4. strive for the establishment and the maintenance of effective compulsory education;

  5. strive for the establishment and the maintenance of free public education;

  6. assert the professional responsibility of educators to guide pupils and students in their care in the universal pursuit of knowledge and skills and in the development of full creative potential so that they may become responsible and self-supporting citizens of a democratic state;

  7. ensure that the interests of learners are in no way prejudiced by any act or omission on the part of employees, whilst affirming the fundamental right of employees to strike;

  8. render an effective service to and on behalf of its Members;

  9. contribute to the development of all education legislation and all aspects of education policy and planning;

  10. strive to maintain and enhance effective consultation, advisory, collective negotiating and bargaining mechanisms and structures for the organised teaching profession;

  11. support a professional body which is responsible for the registration of educators, the promotion of professional development of educators and the maintenance of a code of conduct;

  12. co-operate with parents, communities and other bodies in the quest for excellence in education;

  13. promote effective involvement and interaction at local, regional, provincial, national and international levels;

  14. obtain and disseminate relevant information;

  15. promote the development of members by means of workshops, seminars and conferences;

  16. assume financial responsibility for a fund or funds to be applied in the achievement of the objectives stated above, and to take any action to raise or obtain funds;

  17. provide a collective voice in the pursuance of its aims and objectives including, but not limited to, continual evaluation and enhancement of legislation affecting education and education sector employees, as circumstances may require;

  18. do all things necessary for the furtherance and achievement of any or all of the above objectives and in general serve the best interests of the Union, its members and its provincial structures.

Our Leadership

The success of NAPTOSA (Since 1996), cannot be celebrated without the leadership that provided us with guidance: 

Thabo Manne


Nkosiphendule Ntantala


Rene Marnce




Dr Anthea Cereseto


Ezra Ramasehla


Dave Balt


Henry Hendricks




Executive Director:Mr Basil Manuel
Senior Executive Officer/ Professional Matters:Mrs Hema Hariram
Executive Officer/ Office Manager:Mr Kevin Frisby
Executive Officer / Labour Matters:Mr Gregory Masondo
Professional Development Institute Executive Officer:
Ms Michelle Mosupye
Executive Officer – Membership and CommunicationsMs Lorvica Matthews
Financial Manager:
Mrs Wongeka Salami


Senior Admin Officer/ PA to the ED:Ms Barbara Mogwe

Senior Admin Officer/ Data:

Senior Admin Officer: Finance:

Mrs Jillian Groenewald

Ms Thabsile Mtolo

Admin Officer/ Filing:Ms Emmah Magagula
Admin Officer/ Committee Clerk:Mr Tebogo Bulane
Admin Officer/ Finance:Mrs Hendrien Bezuidenhoudt
General Officer :Vacant
General Officer :Ms Elizabeth Senaoana
General Officer :Vacant
Intern – Head Office:

Katlego Ramanna

Intern – Head Office:

Khanyisile Mthimunye

Intern – Head Office:

Nombulelo Mokhuma

NAPTOSA Negotiators

NAPTOSA is represented in both the Public Service Co-ordinating Bargaining Council (PSCBC) and the Education Labour Relations Council (ELRC).

Our negotiators in these councils are as follows:



Our Logo

We know the NAPTOSA logo, but do we know what it symbolises?

When the NAPTOSA Federation amalgamated with six other unions on 1 November 2006, it was decided that the essence of the Federation’s logo would be retained, as it was already well known within the education sector and the teaching profession and would continue to contribute to the future branding of the amalgamated NAPTOSA Union.  However, certain elements have been changed or been added to reflect what the new amalgamated union stands for.

The motto “Serve with dignity”  was retained, together with the NAPTOSA colours : blue symbolising industriousness  and gold, dignity.

The shield which forms the basis of the logo was adapted in order to reflect an African influence.

A new element which was added is the seven convergent panels at the base of the logo.  These panels represent the six independent unions and the NAPTOSA Federation that amalgamated to form a single union.

The two shepherd’s crooks have been retained from the old logo and symbolise the fact that teachers walk in front, leading the learners.

The burning candle at the crest of the logo indicates enlightenment – the primary task of the educator.

This is indeed a logo of which every NAPTOSA member can be truly proud.

Our Charter

We, as members of NAPTOSA, are aware that the development of our country is fundamentally dependent upon the quality of education provided to its citizens. In humble acknowledgement of the honour and responsibility entrusted to us, we will uphold the dignity of our chosen profession, engaging in the holistic education of each child in our care and the continuing development of our peers, our communities and ourselves.

Our professional conduct will encompass, but not be limited to, the following standards:


  • At all times the needs and welfare of the individual learner must be of central importance. When we exercise professional judgement both duty and compassion shall inform our decisions. We bear in mind that we do not teach lesson plans or intellectual challenges – we teach human beings.
  • We respect and protect the rights of every individual in our communities as laid out in the Constitution of South Africa.
  • We will serve and educate all learners with equal dedication, irrespective of gender, race, culture, religion, political affiliation, intellectual capacity and sexual orientation, delivering the curriculum so as to enable all learners to develop their skills, knowledge, values and attitudes in a changing environment.
  • We refrain from improper or inappropriate relations with learners, be these physical, sexual, political or emotional. Rather, in all our actions and words, in and out of our educational institutions, we will promote by example the integrity of our profession by modelling respect for diversity, compassion and commitment.
  • We accept that we are leaders in our communities and acknowledge that this may require us to speak out when others remain silent; to be innovative in solving problems when others wait for instruction; to obey the dictates of our own conscience, even when this is inconvenient.

Serve With Dignity

  • We foster an environment of collegiality, collaboration, co-operation and sharing of resources between educators and educational institutions for the betterment of teaching and of learning.
  • We support the rights of parents, engaging them as partners in our efforts and promoting harmonious relations wherever possible.
  • We shall exercise discretion and respect the confidentiality of the information to which our profession gives us access concerning learners, parents and the community.
  • We take responsibility for the renewal and protection of our profession, advancing the image of teaching through professional language, learning, conduct and reflection.

 In humility, and remaining aware of our own frailty, we undertake to live up to the ideals of teaching, working always to enhance our profession and doing nothing to diminish it.