About Us

National Professional Teachers' Organisation of South Africa

Our History and Background

NAPTOSA was registered by the Registrar of Labour Relations as a Trade Union on 1 November 2006 and is the second largest union in the education sector.

Any education sector employee in the Republic of South Africa is eligible for membership of the Union, whether employed in terms of the Employment of Educators Act,1998; the Public Service Act, 1994; by a School Governing Body or by a private school.

Our National Leaders and Executive DIrector

Apply today to become a member of NAPTOSA TODAY

We aim to promote, protect and maintain the rights, status and interests of our members and advance quality education in South Africa.


Federation on Unions of South Africa (FEDUSA)

Education International (EI)


Important announcement for all Members

State of the readiness of Schools

NAPTOSA was registered by the Registrar of Labour Relations as a Trade Union on 1 November 2006 and is the second largest union in the education sector.

Any education sector employee in the Republic of South Africa is eligible for membership of the Union, whether employed in terms of the Employment of Educators Act,1998; the Public Service Act, 1994; by a School Governing Body or by a private school.

NAPTOSA enjoys all the rights of a trade union and is a party to the Public Service Co-ordinating Bargaining Council (PSCBC) where salaries and conditions of service of general application for the whole public service are negotiated (e.g. general salary increases, pensions, medical assistance, housing, etc.), as well as the Education Labour Relations Council (ELRC) where matters specific to the education sector are negotiated. In the latter, NAPTOSA, together with SAOU, NATU, PEU, PSA and HOSPERSA, operate under the name of the Combined Trade Union of Autonomous Teachers’ Unions (CTU-ATU).

10 Reasons To Join

Not just one, but 10 reasons to join NAPTOSA. We protect your rights and interest, negotiate on your behalf and are not tied to any political party

Present In All 9 Provinces

From the north to the south, the east to the west... NAPTOSA is present in all 9 provinces with a staff count of more than 80, to assist with your needs

Labour Matters Taken Care Of

We step up when your employer steps down. Whether you're employed in the public or private education sector, your labour related matters are taken care of


2022/23 SALARY NEGOTIATIONS The 2022/23 wage negotiations were the longest on record in the PSCBC, and by October parties had still not found each other. The point of contention has been, for one of the unions, the cash gratuity that will be coming to an end at the end of March 2023. NAPTOSA supports the […]


2022 /23 FINANCIAL YEAR SALARY MANDATE SURVEY RESULTS The 2022/23 financial year salary negotiations have concluded. The employer tabled the following final offer: A salary increase for levels 1 – 12 employees in the Public Service, which includes the Non pensionable cash allowance, amounting to R1 000-00 (after tax), as well as a 3% Pensionable […]


SALARY MANDATE FOR FINANCIAL YEAR 2022/2023 The Employer presented a Draft Agreement at a special Council meeting held on 30 August 2022. The contents of the Agreement are as follows: AGREEMENT ON THE PAYMENT OF A SALARY ADJUSTMENT IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 2022/2023 1. OBJECTIVE To provide for an agreement on […]